The “Nest Adoption Program” is an initiative of the Kitabanga Project, which aims to seek resources to help subsidize the monitoring of sea turtle nests and their protection, in a wider range of intervention areas, and thus, direct the greatest number of newborns at sea. It also aims to promote society's involvement in the process of conserving these animals, by giving adopters the opportunity to visit and monitor the aforementioned nests at the target base or beach, and even, when possible, help guide the newborns to the sea.

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The idea of this campaign is to transmit information so that people can be aware of the conservation of sea turtles, have the opportunity to feel closer to these animals and leave a positive environmental footprint, through activities carried out by the Kitabanga Project.

There are many people who would like to contribute more to the conservation of sea turtles in Angola, but due to lack of opportunity, not having the time, knowledge, or the necessary means to do so, they end up missing out on a noble role in contributing to conservation. Associated with this perspective, the Kitabanga Project, with the “Nest Adoption Program”, will allow all interested parties to interact more with sea turtles, participate in conservation and provide themselves with information, increasingly valuing efforts towards conservation.

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