Technical activities include:
- Nest identification, marking and protection;
- Transfer of postures located in risk or problem areas;
- Identification, marking of sea turtles with referenced metallic earrings and collection of bioecological data;
- Placement of transmitters on turtles to monitor their movements and migrations;
- The realization of aerial senses along the coast in partnership with the national air force;
- Periodic surveys along the coast to validate the presence and understand the pressures to which the turtles are subjected;
- The assessment of turtle spoils along the coast;
- The collection of tissue samples for genetic analysis and for studying the turtle population in Angola;
- Production of annual technical reports for state agencies on the condition of sea turtles off the coast of Angola.
The Project also values training, environmental education, and social inclusion through:
- Opportunity for students to develop their final course work, with themes related to the conservation of these animals;
- Integration of members of the coastal communities to become active collaborators of the Project in different aspects;
- Conducting lectures and activities for different strata of society, with particular emphasis on coastal communities;
- Efforts to raise environmental awareness through presentations, preparation and distribution of educational materials such as books, posters, brochures and kits about sea turtles;
- Promotion of fun and learning activities in the communities where the project directly intervenes;
- Opportunity to visit the bases of the Kitabanga Project to monitor the work being carried out;
- Promotion of sports activities with a focus on conservation.